*3% credit card processing fee applied to total
Benefits Include:
Company logo on all WIE event signage
Public thank you at the events
Mention/tag in social media announcements
Logo and link to your corporate website on the WIE website
WIE 2025 sponsor graphic for your website or social media
Opportunity to provide a 2 minute sizzle reel to be presented during a WIE webinar
Opportunity to send (2) emails per year to the WIE mailing list
Four (4) tickets to the annual WIE breakfast at EXHIBITORLIVE
Benefits Include:
Company logo on all WIE event signage
Public thank you at the events
Mention/tag in social media announcements
Logo and link to your corporate website on the WIE website
WIE 2025 sponsor graphic for your website or social media
Opportunity to provide a 2 minute sizzle reel to be presented during a WIE webinar
Opportunity to send (2) emails per year to the WIE mailing list
Four (4) tickets to the annual WIE breakfast at EXHIBITORLIVE
*3% credit card processing fee applied to total